Here is a sample of a poor LinkedIn job search plan:
- Connect with a bunch of career coaches.
- Use their free advice to look awesome.
- Look awesome and then reach out to target companies.
- Target companies look at your connections and activity. OOPS! You are branded as a professional job seeker. Nothing happens. You don’t look like a top person to hire.
Instead, do this:
- Follow career coaches and people in your industry.
- Use their advice to look awesome on LinkedIn.
- Interact intentionally with people in your target sector. (Learn how in the “Your Intentional LinkedIn Presence Master Class)
- Target companies are impressed with how well connected you are within the industry. Plus they love how you add value through your comments and minimal content. (HINT: too much content makes you look weaker not stronger). Your activity highlights your best skills and work style.
- You land the job.