The Career Stories Method
11 Steps to Find Your Ideal Career - And Discover Your Awesome Self in the Process
#1 Bestselling Book (Resumes) - Amazon Canada, January 2021
#1 Bestselling Job Hunting Book - (Amazon Canada, January 2021)
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Find or create your dream job by starting with the stories you tell about yourself
These days, growing your career requires a brand. People who can share their strengths through compelling stories—in interviews, resumes, and pitches—land the work. But how can you find, optimize, and communicate those stories?
Career Stories founder Kerri Twigg combines her theater background with her training in HR, coaching, and meditation to bring you a job search guide unlike any other. Like Julia Cameron did with The Artist’s Way, Kerri offers a program to find out which job is perfect for you, by examining your stories. Kerri also provides practical tools for networking, writing resumes that impress, building your LinkedIn profile, and more. And we’re not just talking about traditional employment—about half of Kerri’s clients realize that they’re actually entrepreneurs, and The Career Stories Method offers strategies for them too.
Reviews of the "Career Stories Method" Book
“Stories are a powerful communication tool—they amplify our beliefs and have the ability to manifest our future. That is why we must learn how to tell stories effectively. This is where The Career Stories Method comes in. Learn how to tell your story confidently. From branding to storytelling, Kerri Twigg is a masterful teacher and guide.”
String Nguyen, four-time LinkedIn Top Voice and founder of The Trusted Voice
“Everyone needs to continually develop in their career, but most people stall because the process can be so overwhelming and hard. Kerri Twigg makes career planning fun, easy, interesting, and effective through The Career Stories Method. A must-read for every professional serious about career growth.”
Pamela Slim, author of Body of Work
“Kerri Twigg is quickly becoming the most trusted voice in career guidance. In this book, she outlines a simple process to find your voice and story, and chart your way to an engaging career.”
David Burkus, author of Friend of a Friend
“In the past, your career felt like something that happened to you, rather than something you could create on purpose. Now, more than ever, we have the opportunity to shape our careers by telling the story of who we are and how we serve. Kerri Twigg has been at the forefront of this movement, helping thousands of people to reflect on how their stories shape their work. In her book, The Career Stories Method, she’s on a mission to help more people do the work that’s calling them. If that’s you, then you’re in good hands. This book is a great place to start building the career you want, with more intention and joy.”